Your professional growth never stops. And we are committed to helping you advance at every level. We offer progressive education courses and events for clinicians and dental professionals at any stage of the implantology journey, from beginner to expert. 

September 2024

Single and Multi-Unit Implant Dentistry Utilizing Analog and Digital Workflows (301) - EDU-091424FL

Sep 13 - 14, 2024
Orlando, FL, US
JB White

This two-day program will cover treatment modalities that can be utilized in both single-tooth implants and more complex interdisciplinary cases to achieve great outcomes. Several treatment adjuncts will be discussed in detail to achieve superior results, including hard and soft tissue augmentation, osseodensification, orthodontic bone formation, and partial extraction therapy. This program will also discuss abutment and restoration design to achieve long-term crestal bone stability. At the conclusion of this course, clinicians will feel more confident handling routine and more complex cases in a traditional analog and digital workflow.

Orlando, FL

Implant Site Development I - Socket Grafting and Ridge Augmentation (100) - EDU-092124

Sep 20 - 21, 2024
Las Vegas, NV, US
Avi Schetritt
Todd Sawisch

Developing the ideal implant site often requires bone grafting procedures. Implant surgeons today must be proficient in socket grafting as well as ridge augmentation techniques. Gain the knowledge and confidence you need to incorporate these procedures into your daily practice with predictable results. This two-day course combines lecture and hands-on lab allowing you to quickly master these procedures and integrate them into your practice.

Las Vegas, NV

November 2024

Single and Multi-Unit Implant Dentistry Utilizing Analog and Digital Workflows (301) - EDU-110224

Nov 01 - 02, 2024
Las Vegas, NV, US
JB White

This two-day program will cover treatment modalities that can be utilized in both single-tooth implants and more complex interdisciplinary cases to achieve great outcomes. Several treatment adjuncts will be discussed in detail to achieve superior results, including hard and soft tissue augmentation, osseodensification, orthodontic bone formation, and partial extraction therapy. This program will also discuss abutment and restoration design to achieve long-term crestal bone stability. At the conclusion of this course, clinicians will feel more confident handling routine and more complex cases in a traditional analog and digital workflow.

Las Vegas, NV

Full Arch Implant Supported Removable & Fixed Prosth. in the Digital Workflow (501) - EDU-112324FL

Nov 22 - 23, 2024
Orlando, FL, US
JB White

This two-day program will begin with facially diagnosing and treatment planning for tooth position relative to the face to determine incisal edge position, height to width ratio of teeth, and vertical space requirement for prosthetic material to ensure proper implant position for long-term aesthetic and functional success. This will be a comprehensive course on successfully treating edentulous and terminal dentition patients with a variety of fixed and removable options in the digital workflow.

Orlando, FL

December 2024

Full Arch Implant Supported Removable & Fixed Prosth. in the Digital Workflow (501) - EDU-120724

Dec 06 - 07, 2024
Las Vegas, NV, US
JB White

This two-day program will begin with facially diagnosing and treatment planning for tooth position relative to the face to determine incisal edge position, height to width ratio of teeth, and vertical space requirement for prosthetic material to ensure proper implant position for long-term aesthetic and functional success. This will be a comprehensive course on successfully treating edentulous and terminal dentition patients with a variety of fixed and removable options in the digital workflow.

Las Vegas, NV