Your professional growth never stops. And we are committed to helping you advance at every level. We offer progressive education courses and events for clinicians and dental professionals at any stage of the implantology journey, from beginner to expert. 

August 2024

Treatment of Terminal Dentition Using Analog/Hybrid Implant Treatment Workflows (402) - EDU-081024

Aug 09 - 10, 2024
Las Vegas, NV, US
Xavier Saab

This course has been designed to review in detail the prosthetic and surgical science, materials, and techniques for the placement of dental implants after full-mouth extractions. The goal is to deliver step-by-step analog and hybrid (analog/digital) workflows that will empower dentists with the necessary tools to approach full arch rehabilitation with confidence.

In this course, we will highlight the advantages of using a single platform implant and a tissue-level implant for the restoration of full arch cases.

Participants will have the opportunity to place implants in an edentulous jaw and practice a simplified technique for full arch impressions. Focusing on advanced surgical and restorative principles and protocols, this course is aimed at the clinician who wants to take the leap into full arch rehabilitation.

Las Vegas, NV

September 2024

Implant Site Development I - Socket Grafting and Ridge Augmentation (100) - EDU-092124

Sep 20 - 21, 2024
Las Vegas, NV, US
Avi Schetritt
Todd Sawisch

Developing the ideal implant site often requires bone grafting procedures. Implant surgeons today must be proficient in socket grafting as well as ridge augmentation techniques. Gain the knowledge and confidence you need to incorporate these procedures into your daily practice with predictable results. This two-day course combines lecture and hands-on lab allowing you to quickly master these procedures and integrate them into your practice.

Las Vegas, NV

October 2024

Implant Site Development II - Soft Tissue Grafting and Sinus Augmentation (300) - EDU-101924 *SOLD OUT*

Oct 18 - 19, 2024
Las Vegas, NV, US
Avi Schetritt
Todd Sawisch

The clinical success of an implant restoration is dependent on the soft tissue that frames it and on the bone volume surrounding it. As such soft tissue grafting and sinus grafting are essential skills for the advanced implant surgeon to master. This two day course will focus on soft tissue grafting and sinus grafting procedures. Attendee will learn these procedures in a step by step fashion through didactic lectures and hands-on with a pig specimen.

Las Vegas, NV